
Trump wins US Election!!

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« on: November 09, 2016, 07:59:40 AM »
Hi all

I thought we would need a thread for this

It will be particularly interesting to hear from our US members

Will there be a surge in "protest songs"?
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« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2016, 08:11:50 AM »
My prediction of a Hilary landslide was about as accurate as my prediction for a massive Stay vote in the EU referendum. If anyone needs my advice / forecast on anything in the future just shout...
West Country Country Boy


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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2016, 09:46:24 AM »
I don't think I could have voted for Donald Trump...I'd have voted Jill Stein...but I have to say that I will be very glad to see the back of Hillary Clinton and Co.

Very glad.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 10:25:41 AM by PaulAds »
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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2016, 10:25:52 AM »
Gotta agree with Paul on this one. Either result was a very sad day for the world, and god knows Trump is a narcissistic maniac. But I'm so glad to see the back of the Clinton mob. Just as dangerous, but in different ways and better at hiding it. I wonder if he'll make it through the whole term?...
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« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2016, 11:07:20 AM »
I don't buy into the lesser of two evils discourse - both are champions of rapacious capitalism, both are self-interested and both were not going to make an iota of difference to the betterment of the common person in any positive sense (granted Trump might hammer the shit out of immigrants and Muslims now....). Just like the fallacy that Obama was going to somehow emancipate African Americans was duly disproven throughout his tenure so too would the nonsense that Clinton would have empowered women and minorities have been had she been elected. Revolutionary change of this nature is by dent of being so radical impossible within existing power structures underpinning neo-liberalism but alas we go through the charade of casting a ballot on the flawed presumption that it can be done....

The nonsense that Western democratic states are 'good guys' on the global stage was surely dispelled by the fact that someone who ran a campaign based on hate speech and was mired in sexual assault allegations won. Just as galling as if crooked Hillary mired in spying scandals and in the back pocket of Wall Street had won. If May fucks it up on Brexit and the Indian trade deal Boris might just make his move and we could have a hell of a double team on our hands.....


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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2016, 12:13:17 PM »
While Hillary was a far from perfect candidate, she was qualified. She is smart. And she is thoughtful. Trump is none of those things. I am horrified at the election results and am trepidatious as to what the future holds for not only the USA, but for the entire world.


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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2016, 12:55:33 PM »
While Hillary was a far from perfect candidate, she was qualified. She is smart. And she is thoughtful. Trump is none of those things. .

Qualified in what exactly? Being a Grade A c*nt? Being corrupt? Being part of a disgusting dynasty mired in scandal? Being in the back pocket of Wall Street? Blowing certain parts of the Middle East off the face of the planet? Trump is every bit as disgusting yet also every bit as 'smart' - his speeches aren't faux pa or stupidity but very cleverly pitched populism and it worked. In any event the President is just a figure head and there are plenty of faceless people behind the scenes pulling the strings. Whether it was Hillary or Trump won the faceless few would be pulling the strings either way....


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« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2016, 01:45:35 PM »
While Hillary was a far from perfect candidate, she was qualified. She is smart. And she is thoughtful. Trump is none of those things. .

Qualified in what exactly? Being a Grade A c*nt? Being corrupt? Being part of a disgusting dynasty mired in scandal? Being in the back pocket of Wall Street? Blowing certain parts of the Middle East off the face of the planet? Trump is every bit as disgusting yet also every bit as 'smart' - his speeches aren't faux pa or stupidity but very cleverly pitched populism and it worked. In any event the President is just a figure head and there are plenty of faceless people behind the scenes pulling the strings. Whether it was Hillary or Trump won the faceless few would be pulling the strings either way....

I don't have the strength for this argument today.


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« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2016, 01:46:48 PM »
Now all I can do is hope that Trump isn't the racist, bigoted assclown that he appears to be.
Or, at least that he doesn't follow through on the worst parts of the agenda that he outlined.


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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2016, 06:30:15 PM »
Neither option was great but I expected a Trump vote.  It was another big two fingers to the establishment from millions of people who feel they have been ignored.   They may not get the change they want but I feel they will get change. 


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« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2016, 07:27:18 PM »

I don't have the strength for this argument today.

That's okay bae, have a think about what Hillary is more qualified in or why she is more qualified have a sleep on it get back to me tomorrow and I'll respond with some more ridiculous Hillary bashing  ;)

Just try not to dream of Trump - he might try to pinch your tushy  :o


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« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2016, 08:01:02 PM »
Just try not to dream of Trump - he might try to pinch your tushy  :o
Or worse, I've heard he's fond of roughly handling women's cats. What a strange man he is.
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« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2016, 12:55:37 AM »
Britain: Brexit was the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could undertake.

USA: Hold my beer.


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