
How I Write My Songs 1. ‘Don’t Say My Name’

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Whiskey Club

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« on: December 12, 2023, 04:16:52 PM »
Well as threatened in my last post:

I’ll break this down into music first and then lyrics because, in this particular case, that was the order of creation. As a background, I am a noodler.  I noodle around on piano and guitar, too lazy to become accomplished at either instrument and historically too lazy to finish off any musical ideas that  might arise.  I’m not a finisher.

Late Summer 2023, I was noodling on the Piano but with the fact that I had accepted the challenge to write an actual song ringing in the back of my mind.

I grabbed a C6 chord for a bar then dropped the 5th (I like blues) but the third sounded wrong in that voicing so I dropped it to an Eb. That was too bluesy for my mood at the time so I went down to a D and liked the result for another bar.  In my mind I was calling it a Csus2b5 until I realised it was just a D7 😀.  (I have no musical training).  An Fm followed to counteract the brightness of the dominant II chord (I do like the minor iv sound).  Then back to the C6 via an obvious G7.

On the repeat of that I changed the Fm to FMaj to move the sound upwards, more open, brighter.  Then the rest came spontaneously.  The G7 became a 6 and shares a bar with a G# half diminished to move the bass chromatically to an A7+ then back home through D7 and Fm.  I can’t explain how the final chord sequence happened.  It was just where my fingers landed.  I noodle mostly randomly.

So far we have the harmony and it sounded quite good imho.

C6   D7   Fm   G7
C6   D7   F   G6  | G#m7b5
A7+   D7   Fm   C6

Feel free to play with it or use it if you wish.  It is likely rubbish from a theoretical perspective but I had fun improvising around it.

Whilst noodling around that chord sequence I arrived at the melody for ‘Just Don’t Say My Name’ if you hit those chords yourself you’ll see that melody hinted at. However, my piano version was close to half the speed of the final song, with lots of rubato and some weird chord extensions too - it was piano lounge jazz kind of thing.

Then my wife asked what it was and I asked her opinion if it might be a tune for a song.  She agreed and suggested I write it down. I didn’t write it down but just to make sure my fingers had it locked in I played it at double speed and that was the eureka moment.  We both agreed there was a song in there and searching for a line that metered to the opening melody I spat out “Don’t bring my name up in polite conversation’.  That phrase was just meant as a placeholder at the time…..

Next up; the lyrics.  That’s a longer story and this post is getting too long already so I’ll talk about those in a reply to this post.

Cheers - John.

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2023, 07:39:00 PM »
Part 2: The lyrics.

If anyone has read part 1 and you are still here for this then expect a long post and pre-amble.  I don’t know if anyone is actually reading this but I genuinely believe that there might be someone out there, in the position I was in, who might benefit, so here goes:

Summer 2023 wasn’t the first time I have been challenged to write a song, it was just the first time I accepted the challenge.  Maybe it was because 2023 was a significant birthday year and I feel the need to leave some artefact behind, more likely because I have been inspired by a close friend of similarly advanced years who happens to be a bloody good songwriter.

I have often been asked why I can’t write songs.  I mess around on Piano and Guitar and sometimes come up with nice tunes.  I’ve even recorded a few (by recorded I mean straight into an iPhone mouthpiece, not ‘recorded’ recorded).  I don’t struggle with language.  Neither my vocabulary nor articulation are particularly deficient.  I can express ideas with clarity when I am sober; aka known as in the morning.  So, I know how to say whatever I want to say.  But therein is the rub:


Sorry for the shouting but this is the excuse that has lain at the back of my mind for as long as I can remember.  I have had a nice life, most would say blessed.  I don’t have any tragedies to write about.  I don’t have strong social or political views.  I could write about my lovely wife,  but that’s hardly original.  I have no religious faith.  I am your average suburban middle class normal boring guy. I hear, to pick at random, the lyrics to ‘Fast Car’ and it makes my skin tingle.  That must be the work of someone who has lived that experience or knows someone who has.  Where’s my fast car?

So, we left part one with the chord sequence complete and the melody to ‘Don’t Say My Name’ locked in at its new tempo with the phrase ‘Don’t bring my name up in polite conversation’ as a placeholder for the rhythmic structure of a possible lyric.  I then could not resist the idea of ‘They won’t want me around’ partly because it is a rhythmic fit and partly because it drags the mood of the song down where that minor iv chord seems desperate to take it.  The questions now though are: Who am I?   Who are you?   and Who are they?

Obviously, the idea of ‘bad boy meets nice rich girl and parents disapprove’ comes to mind.  Two problems though: 1. It has been done so well before, ‘uptown girl’ etc and 2. I am the polar opposite of the wild bad boy. Then it hits me…….    Songs, even those written in first person perspective, don’t have to contain even a grain of truth.  They can be stories.  This gives the writer the complete freedom that a novelist or other story-teller has. The song’s protagonist can be absolutely anyone; doesn’t even have to be human.  This ‘revelation’ will sound so silly to most of you, but to me it was THE critical turning point.  Why was I labouring under the misapprehension that the emotions conveyed in a song have to be real?  Ideally, they would be I guess but I’m not trying to be Bob Dylan - I just want some useable lyrics.

And so to develop my character:

I decide to twist the typical story.  I shall be a wealthy city boy, seven figure bonus, cocaine, drink, fast-life type.  She is from a small dreams, small town background.  Her family/close friends are respectable, god-fearing poor-but-proud dullards. So why wouldnt they want me around?

They would fear that I would lead their girl astray:
“And we will trip together, new destinations
Learning how to live
So tell your friends just what you did on vacation
But don’t tell them who with”

And, although they would kid themselves that they’d disdain my lifestyle, they’d fear that they too would be dragged in and, metaphorically, destroyed:
“I’ll draw their lives into my own conflagration
Burn them to the ground
So no they won’t want me around”

But mostly they’d fear the existential crisis that would come from admitting that the small aspirations that they foist upon their girl would condemn her to a mundane life similar to their own:
“I’ll take their dreams and put them into perspective
Proud before their fall
I’ll hold a mirror to them, curved and corrective
So they won’t like me at all”


So that’s the process that liberated my creativity, such as it is:  Create a character to be the songs protagonist.  Build a simple story around the character.  Inhabit the character and let the lyrics fall out naturally.

Now I am starkly aware that I’ve spent more time typing this post than I spent writing the song and that there is likely nobody still reading ;-). So I’ll shut up, until the next song.

Cheers - John.


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« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2023, 08:52:24 PM »
@Whiskey Club Fascinating post and although I did read your previous post regarding the music and not being a keyboard player I did get slightly bamboozled with all the chord names. The lyrics side of things is interesting. You say that you have nothing to write about and I think that you have embraced the idea of stepping inside another character when you write a song. I get lyric ideas from so many different sources, it might be a phrase that I happen to hear, some inspiration from a book or a story or just observing real life and getting into how other people might perceive things. I think that you’re doing a great job, songwriting is an ever evolving process and leads us down many different alleyways and often rabbit holes ! Keep on keeping on man 😀

Elvis Nash

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« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2023, 02:30:22 PM »
Your post is extremely interesting.  I think you should count your blessing's on no tragedy's and a mind full of demons to create lyrics.
Like Pompjazz mentioned, You can step in somebody else's life and write it.
Professional country songwriters in Nashville, Just make up stories . You can do the same thing.
Good luck

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2023, 04:57:27 PM »
Thank you for your responses gentlemen.  Stepping into character seems so obvious now but I just didn’t get it before.  I wish I’d had guidance many years ago.  Now I can barely walk down the street without seeing something that provokes a song concept.  The phrase ‘head full of demons’ just set me off :-). My wife is barred from suggesting any more song characters because I can’t focus on so many ideas.  Worse problems to have but I don’t want go the other extreme and have a hundred song ideas and no recorded songs.

Elvis Nash

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« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2023, 06:01:24 PM »
Actually head full of demons is pretty cool , you can have that Whiskey my man

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2023, 09:39:40 AM »
Actually head full of demons is pretty cool , you can have that Whiskey my man

@Elvis Nash this at 3:30 this morning lol

Head full of demons

They’re in my head
They leave no choice but to believe
Because I know they’ll never leave me
‘Til I’m dead

They’re in my head

They write the songs
It’s not like we always agree
But what they’re giving me is free
They’re never wrong

They write the songs

I have a head full of demons
They’re with me through the day
Now I’ve come to realise
They’ll never go away

I have a head full of demons
They haunt me through the night
They won’t let me go back to sleep
Until I get it right

They’re always there
And they’re giving me no choice
They want to make me stretch my voice
‘Cause they don’t care

They’re always there

It’s getting worse
Every time I have a drink
I find that I can only think
In couplet verse

It’s getting worse

I have a head full of demons
They’re with me through the day
Now I’ve come to realise
They’ll never go away

I have a head full of demons
They haunt me through the night
They won’t let me go back to sleep
Until I get it right

« Last Edit: December 17, 2023, 03:05:05 PM by Whiskey Club »

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2023, 10:07:55 AM »
@Elvis Nash Wrote the music this morning and my wife heard me singing and playing it; thinks it will be really hot.  I owe you one.

Cheers - John.

Elvis Nash

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« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2023, 06:33:51 PM »
Its all good Whiskey my man , I'm going for next year slow down and concentrate on selling my catalogue, or make money lol I should say
So I'll toss ya some ideas and hooks
When I feel like I know something , I go back to her , she's pretty intense Whiskey my man

Happy Holidays   

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2023, 10:14:11 AM »
Its all good Whiskey my man , I'm going for next year slow down and concentrate on selling my catalogue, or make money lol I should say
So I'll toss ya some ideas and hooks
When I feel like I know something , I go back to her , she's pretty intense Whiskey my man

Happy Holidays

Thanks again, and good luck on commercialising. I hope you get the success you deserve.  I’ll be following your progress.  Cheers - John.

Elvis Nash

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« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2023, 03:07:35 AM »
She has alot of vids , professor at Berkley school of music
I pop her up a few times a week on tips , she's pretty good
thanks man