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« on: June 19, 2017, 10:19:00 PM »

I've seen it mentioned here and there, FAWM. It puzzled me until I found out what it stood for. 14 new creations in 28 days. A tough one. A thing only for those who've already sharpened their pencils. I can't wait... It is in no way insane, but it is over the top. It is genius in a way.

So, dear members who hold the answer. How did this overwhelming task come to be?



Neil C

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« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2017, 11:00:05 PM »
I have no idea how or who. It is intense and OTT I'm slowly recovering..
songwriter of no repute..

tina m

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« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2017, 11:05:21 PM »
I dont know the history of FAWM...its been going quite a few years I think, long before I started doing it in 2011..
A American guy runs it, but he took it over from someone else i think..
It is brilliant tho & I love it....I was struggling to write & record 6 songs a year before I started FAWM

Anyway FAWM has a big ugly sister called 50/90, which is going to start in a couple of weeks!
it runs from july to the end of september & you have to write/record 50 songs in 90 days!
what do you think of that?
Its not impossible bcos a lot of people complete it every year..the most ive managed was 31 I think
but I dont realy do it anymore  :)
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« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2017, 05:55:19 PM »
So the mystery continues. The American...

50/90 might be what scared all those non-posting members away.

In the last two days I have written three songs. Keeping this rate and self perceived quality might be possible. On the other hand I park my self four hours a day in front of the telly with just a banjo and a guitar for company for the sole purpose of writing. This week I do have the time to do so but the rest of this merry summer many mundane things like gardening will be prioritized over writing.

More clues to this would be welcome.


tina m

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« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2017, 06:58:40 PM »
Martin you do know its nothing to do with this forum dont you?
Its a completely separate website  called FAWM.org.
When you sign up to do  it  you get your own page on the website ..
On the 1st of Feb you start writing & recording your songs ...you will need to complete  one every 2 days
Heres my page from FAWM 2017 http://fawm.org/fawmers/tinam/
You can write your own  bio & list your influences
Underneath the bio are my songs, they appear there as I write them ...click on each song listed to go to its own page to hear it & read the reviews people give it (They wont play now tho as dropbox have stopped the hosting)
Underneath that is a soundboard where people communicate with me
Each song you post  aswell as appearing on your page   also appears on the main FAWM songs page along with all the others just finished
You review others songs & they review  yours, like  we do here..
There are forums on the site where you can chat /interact/ collaborate /ask questions etc
You have a Watchlist  that tells you when people  you like post a new song & a Mentions list that tells you when someone has talked about you  anywhere on the site & lots of others tools aswell

They run all sorts of challenges to stimulate song ideas  but you dont have to do  them of course
FAWM is a massive event  its almost like a  music festival but online
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The S

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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2017, 07:03:13 PM »
Oh I so wanted to give FAWM a go, I even became a member, but...nah. Kids are very time-consuming, and February also happens to be the month when kids tend to be the most sick of all year. Bet the founder of FAWN didn't think of that!  8) With three kids, two under the age of 4, it's just not possible. Not for me anyways. In a couple of years though, I'll be deadly!!!  ;)

In reality, I'm afraid I'm still struggling to find the time to get anything recorded.  

And with that said, the 50/90 sure sounds tempting! ;D ;D ;D

tina m

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« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2017, 07:44:10 PM »
well Ive always thought he plonked it there bcos February is the most miserable month of the year, & we need something good to take our minds off it  & so since 2011 its been one of my fave months! bcos Im doing FAWM & loving it
but you are right if you get ill your FAWM is virtually over (or if your kids get ill, but mine are old enough to look after themselves now)

50/90 is realy for FAWM junkies that cant get enough of it so they get another go in the summer
I wouldnt do it before attempting FAWM first!  :)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 07:46:04 PM by tina m »
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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2017, 08:10:31 PM »
Oh Tina this explains it all!

I had no idea it was a thing outside of this forum!
I was like: 'Sometimes people mention it as if it is obvious what it is but still there is as good as no info about it. I have to pop the question.'
Now I'm like: ...

Coz I was really puzzled about the math behind it. Number of Forum members (3798) multiplied by the average percentage of the worlds musicians who would push them selves that hard (say 0.63%) equals to ~24. If you add to this an estimate that only 10% of the members here post songs well...

That's the spirit The S!

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« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2017, 11:47:15 PM »
I guess that FAWM is not for everyone.  It may help many and maybe one day when I am no longer quite so busy, I might give it a go, simply for the love of writing.  I wonder however,  do participants feel that they have sharpened their writing skills as a consequence of taking part.  Does anyone, think that FAWM makes them a better songwriter?



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« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2017, 06:59:51 PM »
I dunno if I could say it made me a better writer, but it definitely helped me get a lot of stuff done that I wouldn't otherwise have been arsed with...

I'm not the most motivated person when it comes to writing...so it was great for me...the fact that you absolutely have to write something (or fail) is perfect for someone like me.

For what it's worth, I think I wrote some of my best songs in those 28 days.
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The S

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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2017, 08:38:22 PM »
Yeah, I don't think this way of writing is designed or intended to sharpen your songwriting skills, not as a primary focus at least. More so to take whatever skills you already have and use them to get songs done. That's what the world population of songwriters struggle with the most, get songs done.

People get more productive working along deadlines. It's just a fact.

I would've loved to be part of it this year, just to kickstart my productivity, but there was no chance in hell I could make it this February. I'll aim for next year.

I'd love to come up with and implement some realistic and do-able deadlines in my music life but unfortunately they're hard to come by when you're on your own in the studio. Self-discipline, I curse thee!!! ;)