Just Push Onward

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« on: April 27, 2018, 03:17:52 PM »
I don't really know how to write or structure a song properly but I've been toying around with lyrics/ poetry and just wanted some feedback. This is about the struggle to focus on what is best for you and the things that old you back.

A clean path can be decieving
Distorted by your past screaming
Your demons walk faster than you
and are not forgiving

Barging past you with ill intention
Breaking you with their strength
reinforcing their evil sensation

They're breaking the lights that guide you
And laugh at you fight you

You must run faster but beware
the devils ahead make the air thicker
they do not play fair

Suffocating you of your will
Playing with your head
Tempting you to take a break
But you must not listen
Take the knife they stabbed into your feet
And cut your ears and focus on what you need to see

Without sacrifice you will fall
and never plant your seed in the garden of content
as you hit a wall

Stop and aim
kill the devils
so you may gain

Run forward to the light
but do not forget
the devils aren't the only thing you will fight.

The path is broken and rough
damaged by the many before you have made it to the light

Don't be tempted by shortcuts
As you will be guided by false lights

Don't make reasons to stop
the path will only get steeper
until you're unable to reach the top

The palace of content was built by some who intend
to make you fall back down to the abyss with no end

So never let your guard down
there are also demons in this town

Rely on yourself
your friends won't always help
it's on you to gain your wealth

You may not see the light at first
but don't be disheartened
It's one of the devil's greatest tricks

The switch is somewhere
search and search
it's your heart's greatest desire

Explore the walls
smell the air
the switch will appear

You know what you need
but you must find the devil
that has you on a steel lead.

Break the chain
forget the pain
wash the stain
escape down the lane.

Flick the switch
seek the light
Shoot the devils
before they turn your path to night.