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« on: September 07, 2013, 07:27:52 PM »
Beautiful songwriters,

It saddens me to read the Bless Your Soul saga, and I feel I need to speak out in support of what is largely a brilliant community - thanks to all of you lot.


Threads such as the Bless Your Soul trilogy don't belong on my forum. And yes, I recognise that this forum is nothing without its members, but sometimes a little leadership is required to keep the ship sailing to its rightful destination. So I'm putting my foot down yo.

@benjo - I already told you how I feel about this. Saeed did not plagiarise your song. Mark is right about this. I can listen to Radio 1 on any given day and point out loads of bits of songs and sometimes whole songs which are very obviously 'inspired' to the point of being near copies of other songs. But do the writers of these new songs owe an apology to their heroes? No.

I do agree it's bad manners on Saeed's part, especially not to chip into the debate and make his position clear.

But if we called people out every time we encounter bad manners, we'd never get anything done.

@Mark - well done for almost keeping your cool. You're entitled to not enjoy the song, and to say so. In general, I do encourage negative feedback to be more constructive however.

@Stylus - I would ask you to avoid making personal comments and attacks. They don't benefit the forum and are entirely unnecessary. You can disagree with Mark without getting personal.


Two of this community's most well established members have contacted me since this incident asking to be removed from the forum.

This makes me really sad. The two members in question have been here pretty much from the start, and have both really helped shape the great community you all benefit from.

To those who say just because they've been here a long time doesn't mean you should listen: you're wrong about these guys. You only have to look at the contributions they've made to reviews, collabs, chats, competitions to see they're the kingpins of this forum. I owe those guys big time.

And now they're gone.


I love how supportive this forum is. It makes me happy to see what I've helped to create. But occasionally I also notice mutual back-slapping. But that's not what this forum was designed for.

I understand it's hard to say what you don't like about a song, but trust me - the writer will thank you if you express how you really feel, and if you can, back it up with suggestions for improvement. For example, the melody is OK, but would be greatly improved by adding more movement and less repetition.

To sum up: We're all adults, and I'm not afraid of letting disagreements run their course on the forum. But it's a wake up call when the youngest members are the ones talking the most sense (thank you Jess ;) )

Peace out
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« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 08:01:51 PM »
Well said TONE

That pretty much sums up the whole saga and I am pleased to see the forum moving on
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« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 08:33:59 PM »
To sum up: We're all adults, and I'm not afraid of letting disagreements run their course on the forum. But it's a wake up call when the youngest members are the ones talking the most sense (thank you Jess ;) )
Tone thank YOU for making such an amazing place, you have no idea how much my songwriting has improved since being here and I feel so much happier now than I've ever been because of our forum family.
I hope nothing like this ever happens again, this is such a special place and I hope the members who have gone, will remember that and come back one day
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« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2013, 08:36:08 PM »
I doubt this will happen again, the way everyone's made a stand against it.
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« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2013, 08:38:31 PM »
cant understand this place at times haha... we all here for the music so let the music do the talking and keep all this slagging off each other for the daft kids on facebook and twitter hiding behind their computers!!
fly away and find my peace of mind...


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« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 04:30:27 PM »
Beautiful songwriters,

It saddens me to read the Bless Your Soul saga, and I feel I need to speak out in support of what is largely a brilliant community - thanks to all of you lot.


Threads such as the Bless Your Soul trilogy don't belong on my forum. And yes, I recognise that this forum is nothing without its members, but sometimes a little leadership is required to keep the ship sailing to its rightful destination. So I'm putting my foot down yo.

@benjo - I already told you how I feel about this. Saeed did not plagiarise your song. Mark is right about this. I can listen to Radio 1 on any given day and point out loads of bits of songs and sometimes whole songs which are very obviously 'inspired' to the point of being near copies of other songs. But do the writers of these new songs owe an apology to their heroes? No.

I do agree it's bad manners on Saeed's part, especially not to chip into the debate and make his position clear.

But if we called people out every time we encounter bad manners, we'd never get anything done.

@Mark - well done for almost keeping your cool. You're entitled to not enjoy the song, and to say so. In general, I do encourage negative feedback to be more constructive however.

@Stylus - I would ask you to avoid making personal comments and attacks. They don't benefit the forum and are entirely unnecessary. You can disagree with Mark without getting personal.


Two of this community's most well established members have contacted me since this incident asking to be removed from the forum.

This makes me really sad. The two members in question have been here pretty much from the start, and have both really helped shape the great community you all benefit from.

To those who say just because they've been here a long time doesn't mean you should listen: you're wrong about these guys. You only have to look at the contributions they've made to reviews, collabs, chats, competitions to see they're the kingpins of this forum. I owe those guys big time.

And now they're gone.


I love how supportive this forum is. It makes me happy to see what I've helped to create. But occasionally I also notice mutual back-slapping. But that's not what this forum was designed for.

I understand it's hard to say what you don't like about a song, but trust me - the writer will thank you if you express how you really feel, and if you can, back it up with suggestions for improvement. For example, the melody is OK, but would be greatly improved by adding more movement and less repetition.

To sum up: We're all adults, and I'm not afraid of letting disagreements run their course on the forum. But it's a wake up call when the youngest members are the ones talking the most sense (thank you Jess ;) )

Peace out,

hi tone,

I feel a little offended at this comment made to me,
at no point did I accuse saeed of plagiarism, yes I did have a copyright of what we'd done together
and I did ask your advice on it privately to keep it of the forum and I took your advice,
however the reason I posted the version I did was because I felt used and wanted to warn other people of what happened, witch I hope they would do for me, I've been in touch with
my copyright and they told me when an agreement is made and work goes ahead on something
involving different parties and a copyright is made, that agreement is binding
because you wouldn't have one thing without the other, now I accept the fact that I started the
argument so I take full responsibility for that, but now it makes me think that we must keep quiet
when something is wrong, since this all went off I have felt sick to my stomach about it
things that were said, if you look back over the posts you will see very clearly that my good friend
dutchbeat was actually in full agreement with what I did and how I went about it

dutchbeat had just asked me to write some lyrics for him on a project he was doing
i'll never know what that is now, I've lost a very good friend,
and if you read the posts you will see that he actually mentioned being aggrieved by the same person
over the same thing as me, 

a lot of people got involved and said a lot of things,
but if you read back through all the posts you will actually see who started all the insults
and bad language on the forum,

I agree with you tone, that yes we should be honest about other peoples work that's why we're here
but you can only say so much without being insulting,
i feel as upset as anyone about what has happened but how do you solve these problems
if you just remain quiet about them,
what happened to me i don't want that to happen to anyone if i'm wrong for putting that out
then i'm sorry to everyone on the forum

now i must say i don't understand the defence of mark ryan nobody asked for his opinion
but he came in claiming i said saeed had stolen copyright of me,
but i did not say that he came in shouting out all the rules to me that i didn't need to know
then he started insulting everyone on the site,

please everybody do not respond to this, this is for tone only
i don't want to start anything else,

i was asked to do lyrics of the month for September, so i'm not going to have any contact on here
now or post anything else until I've done that, it will give me some time to think on all this
and what the future holds for me on here as well, if you don't want me to do the sep lyrics tone
please let me know,   sorry to you all about what happened,,    take care,    tony...



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« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2013, 07:14:36 PM »
I'm sorry you felt offended by my comments Tony, I certainly didn't mean to offend.

I understand your reasons for making the post, I just don't agree that it was the right thing to do.

With regard to Mark, I don't know if many people have edited their original posts (some have) but I think he was merely passing comment, before he himself came under attack. You may not have wanted to hear his opinion, but when you post something on a public forum that's what you tend to get.

He may have been a little heavy-handed at the end, but given some of the stick he was given (not by you Tony) I can't say I really blame him.

I appreciate you replying to this thread though - you're the only one directly involved who has. I don't think you're a bad guy at all, and I do understand your feelings toward Saeed. But sometimes it's better left off the public arena.

Anyway, I hope this will all just blow over now and we can go back to enjoying a friendly and supportive community.


And in future, if anyone posts something abusive or out of order, don't reply. Hit the report button and let me or one of the mods sort it out.
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« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2013, 09:55:25 PM »
hi tone,

as far as I was concerned it was over, until I saw your post
I know how you feel about what happened tone,
so don't take this the wrong way but how are we going to sort out issues
if they can't be dealt with, I spoke to you privately, and I spoke to saeed privately
I even defended saeed to you if you remember,  but tone enough was enough
I pray this kind of thing never happens to anyone,
and I do respect you tone and your forum I love my time on here
and it was out of respect that I did post it in the end for their protection,

if you take a look on saeeds post on here called hate mail,
you will see tone I had moved on and hold nothing against saeed but will never callab with him

as far as mark ryan I don't remember anyone insulting him first
and I don't mind people giving me advice on what are the facts
but I never claimed saeed stole anything, it was what he did on the forum,   not gentlemanly
but he was telling me something that didn't relate,
then he went on to totally insult myself and saeed by saying in a foul way what he thought of
bless your soul,

I can also understand how stylus must have felt having had the same done to him
and also dutchbeat was involved as well it was done to him with tracks he sent to saeed
however dutch was just trying to solve the problem only to be abused as well
in my opinion the wrong people are being told off,
there does need to be something set up to give members a chance to solve these kind of issues

please people do not respond to this it is only intended for tone,

thanks for taking your time out to hear me tone,
this may make this forum even better one day as we all learn from it
thanks again tone take care mate,   tony...


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« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2013, 10:04:24 PM »
With respect to both Tone and Banjo, perhaps it would be best if you guys continued this discussion through the PM system as it appears like a personal discussion held in an open forum and all it is doing is prolonging the period it takes for the forum to move on from this distasteful issue.

With respect


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« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2013, 10:49:40 PM »
With respect to both Tone and Banjo, perhaps it would be best if you guys continued this discussion through the PM system as it appears like a personal discussion held in an open forum and all it is doing is prolonging the period it takes for the forum to move on from this distasteful issue.

With respect

With the highest respect for you Allan i think this should remind in the public forum and the reason why is because two very well respected members of this great forum Dutchbeat and Kafla left and i for one believe it was not because of this issue alone, my apologies for posting but please everyone let Tone and Tony continue.

Honesty and trust is very very important for everyone here, again my apologies for posting.


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« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2013, 11:00:59 PM »
Forum etiquette isn't a gentlemanly  pursuit i`m`s enforced, that`s how public forums function!

The irony here,is,, that is what, Dutchbeat was doing  in effect,he was flushing out Saeed and then dealing with a trouble maker,MR...this seems to have escaped attention? and it`s the resulting melee thats got the limelight.......
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 11:04:12 PM by songsthatcry »


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« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2013, 11:13:10 PM »
Forum etiquette isn't a gentlemanly  pursuit i`m`s enforced, that`s how public forums function!

The irony here,is,, that is what, Dutchbeat was doing  in effect,he was flushing out Saeed and then dealing with a trouble maker,MR...this seems to have escaped attention? and it`s the resulting melee thats got the limelight.......

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« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2013, 03:50:55 AM »
uh oh ....... maybe i'll come back in another couple of months  ::)
seems no one missed me anyway  :D
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« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2013, 07:47:25 AM »
uh oh ....... maybe i'll come back in another couple of months  ::)
seems no one missed me anyway  :D

I did Andy :-*


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« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2013, 08:23:23 AM »
I have to agree with Allan here that this is a discussion that should be had via PMs between the people concerned

It is not fair to make a public post and then say "please do not comment" - especially after all of the recent discussions

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